Thank you for stopping by my blog. This is my first dip into the blogging trench, started out of my curiosity to know what actually is a blog. I try to put here my readings from various sources; books, blogs, sites. I also grab stuff from here & there and try to showcase it in my own style here. If you'd like my scribblings, please subscribe to my full text RSS feeds.

Currently I am experimenting a few new features on my blog, like Peekaboo and Post Summary; the reason for the slight distortion you see. I am hoping to frame up these soon, please bear with me!

Have you ever heard of Gwigle? No, not Google, I said Gwigle. Yes, you heard it right this time. Gwigle is an online game which educates a player to better use Google's web search. It involves playing with Google's web search in a reverse fashion. Ain't clear?

Tell me the keyword that fecthes the below results on Google...

If you are a regular Googler, this is peanuts for ya. The keyword to fetch these results is "Google". Check for yourself. Aa aaw...that's not all. As you succeed identifying the keyword, you keep facing tougher levels of the game. Exciting, take the challenge, NOW.

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